Mood For the Day
Today's Mood on Thu, 20 Nov 1997
I want to be rich enough to be a Hobbit.
That's all. That's really all there is to it. Surreal, huh?
Well, okay. There's more. I mean, I'd love to have big, honkin', hairy feet, and walk around barefoot all day. I'd also like that five-meal-a-day-when-you-can-get-them business, and it'd be nice to be able to blow monster smoke rings out of doors from this mammoth pipe.
But the part I like best is their custom of giving birthday presents on their birthdays. That's what I mean about being rich: on my birthday, I'd like to be able to give presents to everybody who's kind enough to wish me a happy birthday, and thereby displaying my appreciation that they're around, and focus less on the reverse.
Unfortunately, I'm not that rich. I'll have to settle for taking my co-workers out to lunch, and even that's a bit of a strain on my wallet.
Oh well. Perhaps one day I'll be rich enough to be a hobbit.
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